Justfor5Pounds.com – Review and OOTD

I’ve recently been approached by Justfor5Pounds.com to become one of their regular bloggers. Obviously I love the site as EVERYTHING is £5, and you know how much I love a bargain. I’ve actually bought some things off there before so this is going to be a good chance for me to try more of their range. In the past I’ve got things from similar sites and they’ve varied quite a bit in fit and quality, so will always be totally honest with you about how the items turn out. But so far… I love my first one!

It’s always a surprise to see what arrives in their bright pink packages and this time was a similarly bright pink playsuit. As you may know from previous posts I adore a good playsuit. I think they’re perfect for day-to-night looks and so comfy/chic. This one was fully put through it’s paces as I wore it to a bridesmaid nail salon appointment, full on day of thrifting, girly lunch, and then fancy dinner out. It worked out brilliantly for all the occasions and I felt glamorous all day long.



It’s quite thick waffle-ish fabric so seems like really good quality, and the concealed zip down the back is so much nicer than a standard one.


The exact item is here: http://www.justfor5pounds.com/products/CLOTHING/PlaySuits/p_EL3696 (sadly sold out – you’ve gotta be quick on this site as stuff does go really fast).

But you can see all their jumpsuits/playsuits here (there’s plenty to choose from): http://www.justfor5pounds.com/products/CLOTHING/PlaySuits 


The belt was actually my best best best find of my recent America holiday (masses of thrifted OOTD looks to follow….). It got it in Goodwill assuming it was fake (I’d been thinking of buying a fake off eBay but they’re still pretty pricey) but when I googled the markings later I found out it was actually genuine!! They can cost up to $200 on eBay and mine was just $1.99!! Crazy excited about this (obvs).


The black studded shoes are from a charity shop on my trusty Ashley Road, and the wicker bag too. Love bargain accessories!


Playsuit: £5 – Justfor5Pounds.com

Black studded kitten heels – £2 – Waggy Tails charity shop, Ashley Road, Poole

Moschino belt – £1.20 – Goodwill charity shop, Boston, USA

Wicker circle handbag – £3 – Waggy Tails charity shop, Ashley Road, Poole



All round a wonderfully bargain-ous outfit. Hope you approve….
